Everything in the world is composed of energy, all living beings, plants, objects, and even words and thoughts are vibrating energy. Crystals are no different some crystals resonate at a high frequency while others resonate at a lower frequency. Take Quartz as an example Quartz is piezoelectric, which means it generates its own electric current when squeezed. It also means that if you put electricity into a quartz crystal, it will vibrate at an exact number of movements per second. So in the case of a quartz watch, the battery sends electricity to the quartz, which causes oscillation (vibration back and forth) at a frequency that is precise, which sends one electric pulse per second to power the watch 🪄 

Certain crystal vibrations resonate with energies within our bodies, and when that harmonizing stone energy is in our energy field, it strengthens the energies within us. We all have chakras/energy centers, in our bodies that each vibrate at their own frequency. However our chakras can become out of balance as a result of poor lifestyle choices, pollution, stress, and many other factors. Stone energy can be used to bring the chakras back in balance. 
Used for thousands of years in many different spiritual practices used in Reiki, sound therapy, meditation and many other energetic disciplines, the mineral kingdom is full of helpful tools to let go of old patterns aid the spiritual healing path.

As long as you choose a quality crystal, there's no right or wrong way to select one. You'll find that the right crystal will call out to you based on what you need at the moment, and that is often the best way to choose a crystal. On the other hand you may see a Crystal and not feel it appeals to you l always find this interesting as maybe this is the right Crystal for you to do some shadow work for more information on our crystals or to source a particular Crystal send us a direct message